A common effort for better interaction: Introduction of the “Integrity Line” reporting system
Correct and compliant behaviour is a top priority for Viessmann. This is reflected, for example, in the Code of Conduct, which is an important compass and points all family members in the right direction. The most important rules and guidelines for conduct towards our partners and the public are summarised here. Integrity and compliance with the law are firmly anchored in the Viessmann values and are essential to the success of the company. In order for us to live up to these values, it is important to learn about possible misconduct and to put a stop to it. In order to be able to report violations and non-compliant actions anonymously, the compliance team has introduced the Integrity Line reporting system. We have summarised for you in the article how the system works, which violations should be reported and for whom the system is intended.
At Viessmann, we live an open communication culture (“Speak Up”). To ensure that this “Speak Up” culture and the behaviour of all employees are in line with our Code of Conduct, applicable laws and regulations, as well as our internal policies and organisational instructions, we rely on the support of every family member.
Reporting channels
At Viessmann, there are various reporting channels for raising awareness of possible misconduct. Questions can be asked and concerns about possible misconduct can be raised with your direct supervisor at any time. If, for whatever reason, you are unable or unwilling to approach your supervisor, you can also raise your concerns directly with the Managing Director, Plant Manager or other Viessmann Executives. In addition, you always have the option of contacting the Viessmann Compliance Officer (Dennis Wagner-Noll) directly. The open, personal discussion should always be the first method of communication. Of course, you can also use any of the other usual communication channels (telephone, e-mail, letter, etc.).
Integrity Line reporting system
We are introducing the “Integrity Line” reporting system in order to follow up on tips about violations that pose a risk to Viessmann, its employees and its business partners in a fair, appropriate and anonymous manner. Integrity Line is a central component of the Viessmann Compliance Management System. All family members and also people outside the company can report possible misconduct by employees or business partners directly via the internet address https://viessmann.integrityline.app/
Reports via Integrity Line can be made at any time, from anywhere and with a device of your choice, and are forwarded directly to the Compliance Officer.
Confidential, anonymous and secure
Integrity Line is provided by EQS Group, based in Munich. All reported incidents are transmitted in encrypted form and comply with current data protection requirements. If the whistleblower so wishes, the report can also be submitted completely anonymously. We ensure that the identity of the whistleblower cannot be traced and remains so throughout the investigation process. Confidentiality is the top priority.
No disadvantages for the reporting party
Regardless of the reporting channel chosen, Viessmann ensures that whistleblowers are protected from retaliation. Viessmann ensures that family members who report possible violations in good faith and without malicious intent do not suffer any disadvantages as a result. Furthermore, no one who participates or cooperates honestly in our company’s investigation will be subject to retaliation. Any actual or threatened retaliation will be considered a serious violation of our Code of Conduct and will result in consequences.
Examples of misconduct
Objects belonging to Viessmann are stolen from the company premises without permission.
Bribes are paid or accepted in order to gain an advantage.
Competition law
Prices, conditions or other information are exchanged with competitors of Viessmann that are to be classified as trade or business secrets.
Family members are discriminated against on the basis of gender, nationality or religion. This also includes insinuating or provocative remarks.
Data protection
Personal data is used improperly.
Conflicts of interest
Family members act to the disadvantage of Viessmann because they have a private interest in or are otherwise closely associated with competitors, suppliers or other service providers.
What is the reporting system not intended for?
For the expression of general criticism and complaints as well as unfounded or knowingly false information! Please note that suspicions and accusations against a person can have serious consequences for them. Therefore, always use Integrity Line responsibly to the best of your knowledge.
Further questions / suggestions
If you have any further questions or comments, please contact the Compliance Officer Dennis Wagner-Noll.
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