Renewable Energy

Solar Panel Storage Batteries

When you have solar panels installed, storage batteries allow you to save any electricity you’ve generated – and don’t currently need – for later.

Less reliance on the grid.

Storing solar energy allows your business premises to make more use of renewable energy and have less reliance on the grid for power. As solar panels require daylight to generate electricity, backing them up with storage batteries provides access to renewable energy beyond daylight hours.

Dedicated support.

Solar power is reliable and the most rapidly developing renewable energy source. We provide dedicated support for commercial partners who want to harness this alternative method of heating their premises.


The complete solution.

Our team of experts install, maintain and repair Solar Panel Storage Battery systems to support the renewable energy needs of businesses across the UK.

Our Expertise




Recent Commercial Projects

Gentoo, Turnbull House, Sunderland

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Hadrian’s Wall Campsite, Northumberland

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Dinas Boatyard, North Wales

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Cambridge Ice Rink

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Roundhay School, Leeds 

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Home Group, Havelock House, Sunderland

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